Our Lulu Hardback print book formatting service offers a variety of different plans based on the number of words, images, and chapter count. Whether you need just the lulu paperback Version or want a detailed plan with more control, our team is here to help. We specialize in creative and complex manuscripts, so choose your plan below to get started.
We make available the best in Lulu Hardback Book Formatting Service at reasonable pricing
We offer ongoing 24/7 customer support for 30 Days to cater to your future needs or revisions.
We provide some of the fastest turnaround times in the book publishing business.
Our Lulu Hardback Print Book Formatting Service plans are based upon word count, number of images in the book, chapter count, and how complex the book is structured (ie straight text fiction vs nonfiction). If you want only Paperback or eBook Version or the number of words in your book are more than the below plans, kindly use the link below to enter the exact number of words in your book to get a started or Message Us for a custom quote if your book is in pdf format.
Are you looking for professional book formatting services for your next project? At AS Web Designer, we understand the importance of having a book that looks polished and professional to make a great first impression with readers.
Our experienced team of book formatters can take your manuscript and transform it into a beautifully designed, print-ready file. We offer competitive rates and a quick turnaround time to make sure you can get your book to market as quickly as possible. Simply Choose Your Format and Enter the number of words of your book to get started.
If any of the above payment buttons fail to work, please use the link below to complete the payment by choosing another payment method or live chat with us for quick support on payment issues. Kindly enter the amount manually based on the plan you have chosen above to complete the payment. We will message you right away to get started working on your project. Thank You!
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